Sign into your Ticketmaster account; Click “My Tickets” Click “See Details” to pull up the details of your order; In Event Details, click “Contact Us”, which can be found at the bottom right of your screen. Our Clients. By continuing past this page, you agree to our. If you are a promoter/venue and you want Ticketmaster Danmark to distribute your tickets, please contact Sales on +45 38 48 15 50 (business days 10.00 - 16.00) or send an e-mail to STUBhuset. Die 21-09-2017 , However, if you need further assistance the information below is provided to assist you with your ticket needs. If you have a question, many answers can be found in the Help section of Ticketmaster. A/S registreringsnummer: 240.787 CVR-nummer: 20309474 Etableringsår: 1991 KUN FOR ARRANGØRER! Clients control their events and set ticket prices, and Ticketmaster sells tickets that the clients make available to them. If you are a small to mid-sized venue or promoter, TicketWeb may be just the ticket for your event(s). Sell Tickets For Your Event If you would like to sell tickets online for your event through Ticketmaster, please leave your details on the contact form and we'll get back to you. Great business before Covid19. Auto-suggest. Clear. If you are a customer and have a question about your tickets, how to transfer them, sell on our fan to … Juni 2018 im Soho House in Berlin statt. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Food & Drink. Pros. Flexible working environment. Email. According to Billboard, Ticketmaster is developing a new purchasing system that would include customers joining third party heath tracking services before being allowed to purchase a ticket to a concert, movie, or other event.. Die 27-07-2018 , Gift Card COVID-19 info Waiting Lists Social Customer Service/FAQ. Can I change my delivery address after ordering my tickets? Oct 22. Music Sports Arts & Theatre Festivals Family Comedy More. Dieses Jahr erwarten Sie unter anderem diese Vorträge und Workshops beim Ticketmaster Forum: Montag, 11. Außerdem geben wir Informationen zu Ihrer Verwendung unserer Website an unsere Werbung und Analysen weiter. Please leave us a message so we can help you. Festival & Outdoor. Denmark 17 Events. Client Services. Top Result. Ticketmaster has announced a series of leadership appointments within the North American team as part of the company’s move towards a global business model. Clients The Jazz Café is ready to reopen. Live Streaming. Was sind VIP Tickets und wie werden sie versandt? Alle hier aufgelisteten Nummern sind KOSTENLOS! All rights reserved. Diese Information wurde durch die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gefunden oder von unseren Besuchern geteilt Ticket Exchange. Kontakt os. Resources; News; Sign In; Contact Us; Search. Venues. Auf dieser Website finden Sie die kostenfreie Alternative. Hi there, how can we help? As the largest and most reliable ticket distribution network in the world, Ticketmaster and offer the leading technology and services that can help you expand your consumer reach to maximize ticket sales. New Ticketmaster Client Services jobs added daily. Our Services; News; Case Studies; Contact us; Search. 15 events. Si votre question concerne une commande que vous avez passée, merci de préciser dans votre mail le numéro de la commande, le titre de l’événement concerné ainsi que le nom et prénom associé à la commande. Abgesagte oder verschobene Events. 17 events for. … Thu 20:00. der Anrufbeantworter gibt an, dass die Nummer nicht mehr existiert. Ticketmaster is committed to delivering the highest level of service to our customers both online and offline. Ticketmaster CH; Weitere Fragen; Weitere Fragen; Beiträge in diesem Abschnitt. Diese Information wurde durch die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gefunden oder von unseren Besuchern geteilt Bitte teilen Sie uns durch folgendes Voting mit, ob die angegebene Rufnummer funktioniert, sodass wir im Falle einer Störung schnell handeln können! My orders. Our Clients. My tickets haven't arrived yet, what can I do? I think the pay is one of contributors. Contact our PR team for media queries Meine Veranstaltung ist "derzeit nicht im Verkauf" – was bedeutet das? Was ist ein Souvenir Ticket? Our customer service is available from Monday - Friday 9am - 10pm and Saturday, Sunday, and Bank Holidays 9am - 8pm. Muziek Comedy Festivals Sport Familie Theater & Cultuur Beurzen & Exposities. If you are interested in advertising with Ticketmaster, click here. Good corporate culture, at least in small teams. Last Name. To order tickets by phone, please call Ticketmaster National Sales at 1-800-745-3000. DK en. Datumsänderungen, Absagen und Rückerstattungsinformationen. Please check your entry or click the "See All Cities" link below. Sport. Mein Ticketmaster-Konto. Möchten Sie eine alternative, kostenfreie Nummer hinzufügen. Ticketmaster Danmark Gammel Kongevej 60, 5. sal 1850 Frederiksberg C. Bemærk: Ovenstående adresse er ikke et salgssted. Oct. 22. The scheme would be put into effect once a vaccine or vaccines for coronavirus have been officially approved and released. Zahlung und Versand. Ticketmaster is hiring in ontario. How to select seated tickets ? Ticketmaster would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to an aspect of our organization that you may not be familiar with. However, if you need further assistance the information below is provided to assist you with your ticket needs. Please enter your last name. Moreover, you can also contact us directly at any time so that we can offer you the best-possible service. Based on [count] salaries posted anonymously by Ticketmaster Client Services employees in Columbus. I have been working at Ticketmaster full-time for more than 3 years. Darüber hinaus sind wir jederzeit auch persönlich für Sie da, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. How to collect my tickets in a store? 17 Upcoming Events. Looking to work as a Client Services - Tier 1 : Toronto, ON? Kontaktdaten für Ticketmaster Kundenservice & Hotline mit der kostenlosen Telefonnummer. Muziek Comedy Festivals Sport Familie Theater & Cultuur Beurzen & Exposities. Avec Ticketmaster, accédez à la billetterie de places de concerts (électro, pop rock, rap, metal, classique, jazz…), comédies musicales, évènements sportifs, expositions, théâtre, humour, cirque, ou festivals dans toute la France et à l'international. Whether it’s filling 60,000-seat sports stadiums or intimate theaters, Ticketmaster aims to help its clients reach out to every fan effectively. After clicking “Contact Us”, you can choose between two options: ”Chat with Us” “Email Us” der Anrufbeantworter gibt an, dass die Nummer nicht mehr existiert. Cadeaukaart Service & Contact Platinum Tickets. Comedy. Hier einige Firmen, die Ihren Suchkriterien entsprechen; Wir hoffen, dass wir Ihnen damit weiterhelfen konnten: © 2020 | all rights reserved | Kontakt | Impressum, Bewertung der Nummer: 96.26% (103 ja 4 nein), Wir verwenden Cookies, um Inhalte und Anzeigen zu personalisieren. Das Ticketmaster Forum findet in diesem Jahr am 11. und 12. Search. Because Every Event Is A Major Event to Ticketmaster, we also produce CUSTOM TICKETS. ONLY FOR PROMOTERS/VENUES! Die 09-03-2017 , Today's top 20 Ticketmaster Client Services jobs in United States. My account. © 1999-2020 Ticketmaster. 2 Ticketmaster Client Services interview questions and 3 interview reviews. Sign In/Register. View the salary range, read the job requirements, browse Ticketmaster reviews, and get a sense of company culture at Ticketmaster with peersight. If you are interested in partnering with us please click here for further information regarding selling tickets. Exhibitions & Attractions. Self-Service. Cancelled or rescheduled events due to COVID-19. Kontaktdaten für Ticketmaster Kundenservice & Hotline mit der kostenlosen Telefonnummer. Cons. A lot of opportunity to learn and apply new knowledge. Let’s talk. Ticketmaster Danmark Business Service: +45 38 48 16 35 (Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 14.00). Can I change my delivery address after ordering my tickets? Buy TOBYMAC Hits Deep Tour tickets at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park in Cedar Park, TX for Feb 04, 2021 07:00 PM at Ticketmaster. Our Services; News; Case Studies; Contact us; Search. Bitte teilen Sie uns durch folgendes Voting mit, ob die angegebene Rufnummer funktioniert, sodass wir im Falle einer Störung schnell handeln können! Average salary for Ticketmaster Client Services in Columbus: [salary]. Phone number Company Website How can we help you? History. Home page. Vi modtager derfor ikke kunder, og har ikke billetsalg til personligt fremmødte på adressen. First Name. Event Type. Verschwenden Sie nicht weiter Ihr Geld für kostenpflichtige Rufnummern! Die 20-10-2017 , by Beccs Lott | Nov 27, 2020 | Venues. Wie kann ich den Kundenservice erreichen? Please visit our Custom Tickets area for further information. Please enter your first name. Toggle search bar. Quick employee turn overs. The event for which I booked is canceled / postponed. Wie kann ich den Kundenservice erreichen? Error: please enter city or postal code or click "See All Cities" below. Ticketmaster Customer Service If you have any questions with regard to your tickets, your order as well as the offers of Ticketmaster, please use our online help area . Skip to main content. Marla Ostroff, who has worked at Ticketmaster for more than three decades, has been promoted to managing director of Ticketmaster, North America. die Nummer funktioniert. Free interview details posted anonymously by Ticketmaster interview candidates. If you have a question, many answers can be found in the Help section of Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster's clients include venues, artists and promoters. Ticketmaster is committed to delivering the highest level of service to our customers both online and offline. Ticketmaster's TM Engage offering, powered by IBM® Watson® Campaign Automation, allows clients to connect with their audience on a one-to-one basis using compelling, personalized content. Use up and down arrow keys to select suggestions. Our Clients. Ticketmaster serves more than 9,000 clients worldwide across multiple event categories, providing exclusive ticketing services for leading arenas, stadiums, professional sports franchises and leagues, college sports teams, performing arts venues, museums, and theaters. Was ist ein Collector Ticket? Please enter a valid email address. Ticketmaster - Search Page. der Anrufbeantworter gibt an, dass die Nummer nicht mehr existiert. der Anrufbeantworter gibt an, dass die Nummer nicht mehr existiert. Der Ticketmaster Kundenservice Für Fragen rund um Ihre Tickets, Ihre Bestellung sowie zum Angebot von Ticketmaster nutzen Sie bitte unseren Online-Hilfe-Bereich. Error: we could not find this location. Si vous n’avez pas trouvé réponse à votre question, vous pouvez nous contacter en utilisant notre formulaire de contact . Unser Ziel: So viele kostenlose Telefonnummern zu sammeln, wie möglich. Administration: 38 48 15 50 (hverdage 10.00 - 16.00). Weitere Fragen Our helpful client services staff will help fit your business or organization with the appropriate ticketing services based on your needs. Die 30-05-2017 , Kontaktieren Sie uns - … How to book tickets ? Results, order, filter Ticketmaster Agent Service À La Clientèle Customer Service Agent Jobs in Montreal, QC Schaut man sich den Bewertungs-Überblick von Ticketmaster an, könnte man meinen, dass es sich um einen guten Service handelt. Please visit TicketWeb for further information. Comment entrer en contact avec le service client ? Ticketmaster vermittelt oder verkauft Tickets in Kommission im Auftrag des Eventpartners (einschließlich Venues) und trägt keine Verantwortung für die Organisation und Austragung der Events selbst. Zahlungsmöglichkeiten und Zustellung Ihrer Tickets. Related articles. So buchen Sie Tickets bei Ticketmaster. Press. Menu . Artists. Brand Assets. Welche Vorteile bietet ein Ticketmaster Konto? Ticketmaster are a valued and trusted partner providing a full ticketing solution for the WRU’s needs to include to include software, access control and a safe, secure and official secondary market platform. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren, Diese Information wurde durch die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gefunden oder. Tickets können Sie hier erwerben. JUNI 2018 10:00 Check In & Welcome Breakfast 11:00 Begrüßung Klaus Zemke, CEO, Ticketmaster GmbH […] Our TicketWeb product is a self-service online solution. Everything you need to know about canceled or postponed events due to COVID-19. Can I also order tickets on from outside of Germany? Partner With Us.
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