Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) - public higher education institution in Morocco. Find out rankings and reviews of all Universities in Morocco, Search for courses and scholarships with the uniRank World Universities Search Engine, Explore a list of all recognized Universities in Africa by country, Site last updated: Friday, 2 October 2020. Université Cadi Ayyad ... DEUG Économie et gestion. Doctorante chez Université Cadi Ayyad Essaouira Province, Morocco 429 زميلا . One of its components, the École nationale des sciences appliquées de Marrakech (ENSA Marrakech), was created in 2000 by the Ministry of Higher Education and specializes in engineering and scientific research. Rwanda. Memberships and affiliations to organizations which do not imply any formal, extensive and/or legal process of accreditation or recognition are included in the specific Memberships and Affiliations section below. Are you sure you want to report this activity? This institution also has a branch campus in Safi Kalaa Sraghana Saouira. Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech Privet law civil law. certificates, diplomas, associate or foundation), bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study. Studies Economics, Communication, and Development Studies. Sep 2019 – Present 1 year 1 month. Please contact the appropriate Université Cadi Ayyad's office for detailed information on yearly tuitions which apply to your specific situation and study interest; the above uniRank Tuition Range Matrix™ is indicative only and may not be up-to-date or complete. WMS is a Not-just-for-Profit organization which aims to bring out the most reliable and transparent information about everything related to International education funding! plan Introduction I- La biodiversité au Maroc III-La faune et la flore au Maroc 1.Etat 2.Contraintes 3.Réponses conclusion. Université Cadi Ayyad Master's degree Data Science. Université Mohammed V Agdal - Rabat Faculté de Médecine Dentaire - Rabat. Université Cadi Ayyad (UCA) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees (i.e. By flagging, you report the inappropriate content to administrator. LOSS ASSESSOR ENGINEER SONARWA GENERAL INSURANCE CO LTD. Nov 2014 – Nov 2019 5 years 1 month. Tip: search for Université Cadi Ayyad's tuition fees with the uniRank Search Engine. Cadi Ayyad University was established in 1978 and operates 13 institutions in the Marrakesh Tensift Elhaouz and Abda Doukkala regions of Morocco in four main cities, including Kalaa of Sraghna, Essaouira and Safi in addition to Marrakesh. Studies Education, Social Sciences, and Philosophy. Received the doctor degree in Computer Science in 2014 from Abdelmalek Essaâdi University in Tetwan, Morocco. Not available; please submit an official general video presentation of this higher education institution. You are now following this organisation for updates, Let the know that you are interested to apply. Tip: search for Université Cadi Ayyad's admission policy with the uniRank Search Engine. 1,000 USD/год. Le Marocain Abdellatif Miraoui, Docteur en sciences de lingénieur et directeur de l’Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech (UCA), vient d’être nommé à la tête de l’INSA Rennes. Marrakech, Morocco. 2018 - 2020. المجموعات Stratégie, Conseils, Management, Coaching, Formation, RH, Conférence, Développement de … Groupe IAM Groupe IAM Master 1 (M1) Banque et ingénierie financière. Click on the image above to change the captcha. I am currently the head of the English Department of Cadi Ayyad University, FLHSM Between 2011 and 2018, I was the Coordinator of the Master Program of Linguistics and Advanced English Studies Ever since I started my teaching at CAU, I have had the chance to … National School of Business and Management, Marrakech National School of Applied Sciences, Marrakech National School of Applied Sciences, Safi Higher School of Technology, Safi Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Beni Mellal Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Marrakech Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Marrakech Faculty of Science and Technology, B�ni Mellal Faculty of Science and Technology, Marrakech Faculty of Sciences Es-Semlalia, Marrakech Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences, Marrakech Multidisciplinary Faculty, B�ni Mellal Multidisciplinary Faculty, Safi, Tip: search for Université Cadi Ayyad's faculties or academic divisions with the uniRank Search Engine, Université Cadi Ayyad's Facebook page for social networking, Université Cadi Ayyad's LinkedIn profile for business and academic networking, Université Cadi Ayyad's YouTube or Vimeo channel for videos, Tip: search for Université Cadi Ayyad's online or distance education courses with the uniRank Search Engine, Université Cadi Ayyad's Wikipedia article. Academic year of the university consists of two semesters. Please contact the Université Cadi Ayyad's Admission Office for detailed information on a specific admission selection policy and acceptance rate; the above University admission information is indicative only and may not be complete or up-to-date. Please report errors and additions taking into consideration the above criteria. Information on the Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech - contacts, students, faculty, finances. Start managing your school's profile and gain access to marketing tools and analytics reports. UCA also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, housing, sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, study abroad and exchange programs, online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services. This institution also has a … Université Cadi Ayyad. Université Cadi Ayyad Faculté des Sciences Semlalia Marrakech Étude financière Comparaison Master Spécialisé Ingénierie et Gestion de l’Environnement Urbain et Industriel Etude de caractérisation des effluents liquides de l'hôpital Ibn Tofail et proposition de procédé de By visiting uniRank, you accept our terms, privacy and cookie policy, It includes undergraduate certificates, diplomas, foundation or associate degrees that usually take less than 2 years to complete, It includes undergraduate bachelor degrees that usually take between 3 to 5 years to complete, It includes postgraduate master degrees that usually take between 1 to 3 years to complete, It includes postgraduate doctorate degrees that usually take over 4 years to complete, Avenue Abdelkrim Khattabi; Boîte Postale 511, search for Université Cadi Ayyad's courses and programs with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Cadi Ayyad's tuition fees with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Cadi Ayyad's admission policy with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Cadi Ayyad's facilities and services with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Cadi Ayyad's accreditations with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Cadi Ayyad's faculties or academic divisions with the uniRank Search Engine, Université Cadi Ayyad's YouTube or Vimeo channel, search for Université Cadi Ayyad's online or distance education courses with the uniRank Search Engine, Cadi Ayyad University Avenue Prince Moulay Abdellah PB: 511, Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW). An-Najah National University - Nablus An-Najah National University - Nablus Master's degree Privet Law (Civil Law) 2018 - 2020. Cadi Ayyad University is among top 3 universities of Morocco.