<> Die Standards von Fairtrade International spielen innerhalb des Fairen Handels eine wichtige Rolle, da erst durch die Einführung des Fairtrade-Siegels von Fairtrade International Anfang der 90er Jahre für viele fair gehandelte Produkte der Weg in die Supermärkte möglich wurde. Fairtrade minimum price and premium information. If you see the FAIRTRADE Mark with an arrow, it means to look on the back of the packaging to learn more about the ingredients and sourcing method. Learn about the wor(l)ds of Fair Trade … Those who have to meet Fairtrade Standards are required to monitor pending and finalized revisions on Fairtrade International’s website. Accompanies the Policy on Emergency Premium Use for COVID-19 Response (above) and provides a template for documenting the Emergency Needs Identification and Emergency Premium Plan. As the U.S. branch of the Fairtrade International, we have the experience, network and targeted support … Nach der ersten Zertifizierung müssen die Produzentenorganisationen zudem die Entwicklungsanforderungen erfüllen. They are tailor-made for each industry to ensure that we’re all working together toward the same goal. Fairtrade's work is guided by a global strategy focused on ensuring that all farmers earn a living income, and agricultural workers earn a living wage. If you meet the social, economic and environmental standards set out by Fairtrade International, you can trade under Fairtrade conditions and display the prestigious Fairtrade Mark on your products. Instead of working with an existing certification body Fair Trade USA developed their own standards and compliance criteria, which you can access in their Standards Download Center. <> Fairtade Labelling Organisation International (FLO) are 24 organisations working to secure a better deal for producers. Describes how we manage data as a tool to support our mission of driving impact for farmers, workers, and fishermen. Fairtrade International, or Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International e.V. µ Any org that meets Fairtrade standards allowed to apply: µ small farm, co-op, plantation µ Accredited inspector will visit site & compare to Fairtrade standards µ Follows International Labor Organization guidelines µ Ie. There are two sets of standards: overarching generic standards, and standards specific to each type of product. We’ll keep you in the know! Rigorous standards are the way we fulfill our mission and deliver full benefits to producers and businesses we work with. Fair trade is changing the way people think about their day-to-day purchases. Fair Trade USA fully recognizes and accepts producers certified against Fairtrade International standards to sell Fair Trade Certified products. endobj FAIRTRADE INTERNATIONAL – STANDARDS & PRICING Project Assignment – Fairtrade Textile Standard –7 October 2020 Project Assignment/ Draft proposal for standards suspension: Fairtrade Textile Standard Suspension Request (7 October 2020) This project assignment contains the most important information about the project. For now, we’ll focus on the standards set by Fair Trade International (FLO). x���M�5� �瑲�����z�r3�=��yml�S_c)�t�\�ƀ)�| �|*I����#��J�D_Q��AA�.t-5ӿ��Pq�3Ivq����>�k}/���J��]ۏ-��\ �Sҙ��B�ߧ�1�6���iA��ŀ� 7��a���?=��Ƙx͍��{p=�G�� �W��t��k���������i�m�����S�]lܶo��6b.����>��T��c�LT��{�E��S=!��N�R���]�_��V��s�T�I��8 ��H~��˽6� �2!�ө��SXzy�yL���N��'�$�.�iZ� CI�[Gbq����z;+�[����T��),ݸ�|��o���=�OœY���"��y�!��>���Ѷ���l0e��?-�Q�'W! Fairtrade International Standards and related information, July 2018 4 Guidance Documents Language version: English (EN), Spanish (SP), French (FR) or Portuguese (PT) EN SP FR PT SPO Explanatory Document for SPO July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 Not available Fairtrade Planning and Reporting Templates July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 MCU���Xc�L�����4�|��:���P���#��9,"a��Tv�AG8E8h�XDDh��w ���ڎEKǭ����K�^i��b9OE���wC. Outlines Fair Trade USA’s policy for addressing complaints submitted about the standards-setting process. A complete list of Fair Trade Premium amounts and Fair Trade Minimum Prices for all products we currently certify. Die Kernanforderungen müssen von jeder Produzentengruppe erfüllt werden, um die FAIRTRADE-Zertifizierung zu erhalten. Fair Trade USA is a nonprofit organization and the leading certifier of fair trade products in North America. Consultation for Flowers and Plants standard Its trusted Fair Trade Certified™ seal on a product signifies that it was made according to rigorous fair trade standards that promote sustainable livelihoods and safe working Fairtrade aims to support small-scale producers and workers who are marginalized from the benefits of trade. The revised Fairtrade International standards clarify the choice. The Fairtrade Minimum Price is the minimum that producers are paid when selling their products through Fairtrade, and acts as a safety net when market prices drop. standards). Child labor laws Rigorous standards are the way we fulfill our mission and deliver full benefits to producers and businesses we work with. Answers to frequently asked questions related to the Fair Trade USA Certification Accommodation Policy due to COVID-19, specifically as it applies to the APS and CFS programs. If you feel that the world of Fair Trade has its very own language – don’t fret! These Fairtrade Standards are the collective requirements that producers and traders must meet, as applicable, to be certified as Fairtrade. Fairtrade International develops producer standards for different categories of producers, a trader standard and product specific standards. Requirements of Fairtrade Standards may be added, deleted, or otherwise modified. Outlines the policy for existing Certificate Holders to mobilize the fair trade program and Fair Trade Premium in the emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ll keep you in the know! Products with special price terms are further explained in Special Price and Premium Terms. Diese sind weitergehender und haben unter anderem das Ziel, die Organisation und die Arbeitsbedingungen der Produzenten zu verbessern, aber auch langfristig wirk… endobj %PDF-1.5 Die Standards gelten für alle Bäuerinnen und Bauern, Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter im Fairtrade-System. The original FAIRTRADE Mark has always stood for fairly produced and fairly traded products. Standards News. Fairtrade International is the association of producer networks and national labeling initiatives, including Fairtrade America, that develops and reviews the Fairtrade standards. Fair trade price is the minimum price paid for certain agricultural products imported from developing countries . Acceptance of Fairtrade International certification encourages all eligible producers to become (or remain) certified under Fairtrade International standards and helps avoid duplicative audits. Fairtrade standards and procedures are approved by the Fairtrade International Standards Committee, an external committee comprising all FLO stakeholders (labeling initiatives, producers and traders) and external experts. With this glossary we’ll guide you through the common technical terms used by FLOCERT, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). 3 0 obj %���� When setting the Fairtrade Standards, Fairtrade International follows certain internationally recognized standards and conventions, in particular those of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Fairtrade works with farmers and workers of more than 300 commodities. The Fairtrade Standards are the requirements that producers and the businesses who buy their goods have to meet for a product to be Fairtrade certified. Partnership focused on your needs as a producer: Fairtrade certified farmers and workers co-own and manage Fairtrade International – through participation in the board of directors, key committees, and consultation processes, producers can influence Fairtrade’s strategy, standards, prices and premiums. Consultation for Cocoa standard. To find standards documents specific to your industry, please make a selection in the dropdown menu above. Die FAIRTRADE-Standards bestehen aus Kernanforderungen und so genannten Entwicklungs-Indikatoren. Entwicklung der Fairtrade-Standards. Your donation helps the people who produce your food, furniture, and clothing protect their families and build better lives, now and beyond the pandemic. Revised Fairtrade Hazardous Materials List. You see this Mark on single-ingredient products, such as bananas and coffee. If you have comments or suggestions about any Fair Trade USA standards, policies, or requirements, or to request a hard copy, email the Fair Trade USA Standards team. Fairtrade’s Theory of Change, highlighting the aspects most relevant for the Fairtrade Trader Standard. Fairtrade International works to share the benefits of trade more equally – through standards, certification, producer support, programmes and advocacy. With this glossary we’ll guide you through the common technical terms used by FLOCERT, Fairtrade International and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). Fair Trade USA helps producers access better wages and safer working conditions—things that fair trade farmers and workers relied on this year more than ever. Fairtrade has a rigorous standard operating procedure for setting Fairtrade standards, which can be found here. Being Fairtrade certified shows that fairness runs right through your daily operations. From its head offices, in Bonn, Germany, FLO: * Set international Fairtrade standards * Organise support for producers around the world * Develop global Fairtrade strategy * Promote trade justice internationally Fairtrade Certification is a powerful way to prioritize the lives of farmers and workers in your supply chain, all while strengthening your relationship with shoppers. Changes to Contract Production Standard. Answers to frequently asked questions on the Policy on Emergency Premium Use for COVID-19 Response. Learn more about fair trade in the U.S. and abroad, as well as standards and certifications available to farms and businesses that focus on the social aspects of agricultural sustainability. Review of Group mass balance. <> It is quite extensive, and separated into categories such as Independent Shareholders, Farmworkers, Trade, Apparel and Home Goods, and Capture Fisheries. Instead of lowering the bar for brands, let’s keep raising it. Factory Standard for Apparel & Home Goods. Outlines our current and ongoing approach to auditing and certification during the global Coronavirus crisis. The main products promoted under the Fairtrade label are coffee, cocoa, banana 2 0 obj Gives a deeper look into how we operate, including our organization’s structure, mode of operation, mission, values, and Quality Management System. For additional The movement’s initial roots date back to the 1960s. They are tailor-made for each industry to ensure that we’re all working together toward the same goal. Fairtrade Standard for Cocoa Applies to: Small producer organizations and traders and contract production set-ups in the Pacific region Current version: 01.04.2017_v.1.0 Expected date of next review: 2022 Contact for comments: standards-pricing@fairtrade.net Fair trade producers have committed themselves to strong democratic organizations, to increasing gender equity, to combatting climate change, and to basic protections for workers. Revision of Fairtrade To learn more about our ongoing standards work please visit our standards development and revision page. 4 0 obj Earning fair trade certification is an ongoing process, and we’re here to help you succeed. It also means the product is fully traceable (kept separate from non-certified products) from farm to shelf. (FLO) is a product-oriented multistakeholder group aimed at promoting the lives of farmers and workers through trade. If you feel that the world of Fair Trade has its very own language – don’t fret! endobj It aims to cover the average costs of sustainably producing a crop and acts as a safety net when market prices drop. Fair trade is a movement with the goal of helping producers in developing countries improve trading conditions and utilize sustainable farming methods. stream Thi… Fairtrade International definiert die weltweit gültigen Standards innerhalb eines Beratungsprozesses, in dem alle relevanten Interessengruppen eingebunden sind. What is fair trade? Fair Trade Standards. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 6 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> More information about Fairtrade’s Theory of Change can be found Fairtrade International’s webpage. See our consumer insights to see why more than 1,250 companies have chosen fair trade certification to meet sustainability goals, increase brand value, and reach more shoppers. Changes to the Fairtrade Standard for Cereals. Fairtrade Certification ensures the compliance with Fairtrade Standards. Fair trade is a component of the quality of life and social justice aspects of agricultural sustainability. Earning fair trade certification is an ongoing process, and we’re here to help you succeed. 1 0 obj The Standards ensure fairer terms of trade between farmers and buyers, protect workers’ rights, and provide the framework for producers to build thriving farms and organizations. FLO coordinates Fairtrade labelling at an international level. Fairtrade International(FI) is a multi-stakeholder, non-profit organization focusing on the empowerment of producers and workers in developing countries through trade.Fairtrade International provides leadership, tools and services needed to connect producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and work towards sustainable livelihoods.
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