1841 – 1941 1945 – 1997 drapeau (1959-1997) armoiries (1959-1997) Devise Dieu et mon droit Hymne God Save the Queen Carte de Kong Kong Informations générales Statut Monarchie Capitale Victoria de facto Langue Anglais , cantonais Monnaie Dollar de Hong Kong Démographie Population (en 1848) 24 000 hab. [10], The first conviction of flag desecration occurred in 1999. Prior to 1898, when the Second Convention of Peking was signed between the Qing Court and the government of the United Kingdom, the New Territories was still Qing land. If a flag is not of official size, it must be a scaled-down or scaled-up version of one of the official sizes.[7]. Images similaires . The five stars on the flower symbolise the fact that all Hong Kong compatriots love their motherland, while the red and white colours embody the principle of "one country, two systems". • 1995 6 300 000 hab. Protesters Ng Kung Siu and Lee Kin Yun wrote the word "Shame" on both the national PRC flag and the Hong Kong flag, and were convicted of violating the National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance and the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance. Durant l'occupation japonaise de Hong Kong, les Japonais étaient durs avec les Hong Kongais. Fiche de construction du drapeau régional. ». It consists of 96 coloured squares arranged in an 8 × 12 grid, which symbolize the post-it notes on the walls. The flag itself featured a stylised white R at a 45-degree angle on a dark green background. Images similaires . Le drapeau le plus populaire dans les cortèges, et de loin, est en fait une version remaniée du drapeau officiel de Hong Kong qui représente la fleur de bauhinia blanche. Téléchargez gratuitement votre photo à colorier du drapeau de Hong Kong ici. He claims, "Every colour on the flag is a different voice. Le drapeau fut hissé la première fois le 1er juillet 1997, au cours d'une cérémonie historique marquant le changement de pouvoir qui passa du Royaume-Uni à la République populaire de Chine. [6], Looking for inspiration, Ho wandered into a garden and picked up a Bauhinia blakeana flower. drapeau de la République populaire de Chine, Drapeau de la République populaire de Chine, Galerie des drapeaux des territoires dépendants, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Drapeau_de_Hong_Kong&oldid=176326322, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Catégorie Commons avec lien local différent sur Wikidata, Portail:République populaire de Chine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. [17], Leung Kwok-hung, a former member of the Legislative Council and a political activist in Hong Kong, was penalised in February 2001, before he became a member of the Legislative Council, for defiling the flag. L'activité des drapeaux avec Papi Koala. The design of the flag comes with cultural, political, and regional meanings. The regional flag must be smaller in size than the national flag, and it must be displayed to the left of the national flag. nécessaire]. Le drapeau et les symboles de Hong Kong Drapeau de Hong Kong. Cette couleur a été choisie car c'est celle du drapeau de la République populaire de Chine. The red flag represents the motherland and the bauhinia represents Hong Kong. "[29] Some designs were rejected because they contained copyrighted materials, for example, the emblem of Urban Council, Hong Kong Arts Festival and Hong Kong Tourism Board. Donc, la couleur a une signification de célébration et de nationalisme. The following are the approximate colours of the Hong Kong flag in different colour models. Hymne national de Hong Kong et drapeau national In its centre is a five-petal stylized rendering of a white Bauhinia blakeana flower. Imprime le drapeau de Hong-Kong. Le tableau suivant liste les couleurs du drapeau de Hong Kong. La plupart des formats d'impression standard sont disponibles ici. A sculpture of the plant has been erected in Golden Bauhinia Square in Hong Kong. The heading that is used to allow a flag to be slid or raised onto a pole is white. The Hong Kong flag must be lowered to half-staff as a token of mourning when any of the following people die:[12], The flag may also be flown at half-staff when the Central People's Government advises the Chief Executive to do so, or when the Chief Executive considers it appropriate to do so, on occurrences of unfortunate events causing especially serious casualties, or when serious natural calamities have caused heavy casualties. Leung was placed on a good-behaviour bond for 12 months in the sum of HK$3,000. The Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance stipulates that the Hong Kong flag must be manufactured according to specifications laid out in the ordinance. [30], Badiucao, a Chinese cartoonist and political dissident, designed the Lennon Wall Flag, a symbol of Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. Le smiley / Emoji Drapeau : Hong Kong RAS Chine à copier / coller ! The colour itself is significant; red is a festive colour for the Chinese people, used to convey a sense of celebration and nationalism. Hong Kong a alors retrouvé ses origines culturelles et s’est inspiré de l’esthétique du papier découpé: les cinq pétales forment un moulin à vent et expriment l’énergie de la ville, qui va toujours de l’avant. Its design was adopted on 4 April 1990 at the Third Session of the Seventh National People's Congress. More than 100 pages use this file. The flag of the Urban Council represented the governmental body which was responsible for matters pertaining to the urban areas of the territory during the colonial period. La bauhinie (orchidée) stylisée représente le peuple de Hong-Kong. Les cinq étoiles rouges, reprises du drapeau chinois, rappellent que le Territoire de Hong-Kong est une partie indissociable de la Chine. En 1868, un drapeau hong-kongais fut produit, avec un badge basé sur la « scène locale », mais ce drapeau fut rejeté par le gouverneur Richard Graves MacDonnell. La fleur a cinq pétales contenant cinq étoiles rouges. L'identité de Hong Kong a été supprimée, et par conséquent tous les drapeaux britanniques et chinois ont été abolis durant cette période ; des posters de propagande étaient distribués, sur lesquels était canonisé le drapeau japonais en tant que drapeau national. [9], The Hong Kong flag is flown daily from the chief executive's official residence, the Government House, the Hong Kong International Airport, and at all border crossings and points of entry into Hong Kong. La montagne, le bateau et la jonque ont été faites plus proéminentes et plus brocardées. Hong Kong avait en fait déjà un drapeau, ou plutôt une succession de drapeaux sur fond de Blue Ensign(comme tout membre du Commonwealth), le dernier en date portant lion et dragon. [7], This table lists all the official sizes for the flag. During a government meeting, held in 1911, it was suggested that the name of the colony appear on the flag in both Latin and Chinese scripts. Cette situation devrait perdurer jusqu'en 2040. The position of red and white on the flag symbolizes the "one country two systems" political principle applied to the region. Malheureusement, l'histoire de ces changements est incomplète, les informations de l'époque ne sont pas assez bien documentées. The 74-year-old man is reportedly the third person charged for desecrating the Chinese national flag, but he is first to be jailed under the law.[19]. Cette fiche est nécessaire pour construire des drapeaux de taille non-standard tout en respectant les proportions originales. Flag of the Governor of Hong Kong, 1910–1955, Flag of the Governor of Hong Kong, 1955–1959, Flag of the Governor of Hong Kong, 1959–1997. Plus de 7 000 propositions furent soumises à un jury composé d'un panel d'hommes politiques. Fichier vectoriel. En 1843, le blason de Hong Kong[1] fut instauré. En intérieur ou en extérieur, le Drapeau de Hong-kong aux couleurs vives est parfait en toute occasion. Le drapeau de Hong Kong (drapeau régional de Hong Kong, région administrative spéciale de la République populaire de Chine, en chinois traditionnel : 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區區旗, en chinois simplifié : 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区区旗) est constitué d'une Bauhinia blakeana blanche à 5 pétales sur fond rouge. Partenaires; Panier 0 (vide) It should have been a crown of some sort, which may, or may not, have had the letters "HK" below it. En 1955, l'idée du badge revint. [18], Zhu Rongchang, a mainland Chinese farmer has been jailed for three weeks after setting fire to a Chinese flag in Hong Kong. It was hoisted together with the national PRC flag, while the Chinese national anthem, "March of the Volunteers", was played. La bauhinia est le symbole officiel du Conseil Urbain depuis 1965. Seul, ou accompagné d’autres Drapeaux-pays-asie, il … Prior to the establishment of the crown colony of Hong Kong, the ruling dynasty in China was the Qing dynasty. Le fond du drapeau est rouge. Pavillon Hong-Kong disponibles en 7 tailles standards. [12], Whenever the PRC national flag is flown together with the regional Hong Kong flag, the national flag must be flown at the centre, above the regional flag, or otherwise in a more prominent position than that of the regional flag. The use of the flag has created concerns from Chinese authorities and request from Leung to stop flying the flag. During the occupation, the Japanese military government used the flag of Japan in its official works in Hong Kong.[26]. Imprime et fabrique le drapeau de Hong-Kong pour l'agiter. If the District Court agrees that the flags are not in compliance, it may issue an injunction and order that the flags and the materials that were used to make the flags to be seized by the government. The ratio of its length to breadth is 3:2. It is listed by web colours in hexadecimal notation, CMYK equivalents*, dye colours, HSL equivalents, and Pantone equivalents. [1] The precise use of the flag is regulated by laws passed by the 58th executive meeting of the State Council held in Beijing. This design was used officially from 1959 until Hong Kong's transfer of sovereignty in 1997. Hong Kong (AFP) - Brandir le drapeau britannique ou celui de la colonie hongkongaise est une façon efficace d'exprimer son rejet de l'influence chinoise à Hong Kong. [5], In 2019, in conjunction with the anti-extradition bill protests, a variation of the flag, in which the flower appears on a black background and, in some versions, with wilted and blood-stained petals, emerged as a symbol of rebellion and protest. La couleur rouge du drapeau coïncide avec le drapeau de la République populaire de Chine. [28] Six designs were chosen as finalists by the judges, but were all later rejected by the PRC. [10] At major government offices and buildings, such as the Office of the Chief Executive, the Executive Council, the Court of Final Appeal, the High Court, the Legislative Council, and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices overseas, the flag is displayed during days when these offices are working. Drapeaux gifs animés gratuits de Hong Kong. Despite being established in 1644, the Qing Empire had no official flags until 1862. [10] The flag should be raised at 8:00 a.m. and lowered at 6:00 p.m. Le blanc représente la lumière visible manifestée dans les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel. Other government offices and buildings, such as hospitals, schools, departmental headquarters, sports grounds, and cultural venues should fly the flag on occasions such as the National Day of the PRC (1 October), the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day (1 July), and New Year's Day. [6] The five stars of the Chinese national flag are replicated on the petals of the flower. The design implies that Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China and prospers in the embrace of the motherland. Le gouvernement de Hong Kong a spécifié des dimensions, des couleurs et d'autres paramètres spécifiques pour la construction du drapeau. However, this was dismissed as it would "look absurd" to both Chinese and Europeans. Each of the flower's petals bears a five-pointed red star with a red trace, suggestive of a flower stamen. Le raisonnement se tient car Hong-Kong a son propre drapeau, sa propre économie, sa propre monnaie et même une langue différente de celle utilisée dans le reste de la Chine. Pour faire face à la rétrocession de Hong Kong à la Chine, un nouveau drapeau fut choisi. The national flag should be raised before the regional flag is raised, and it should be lowered after the regional flag is lowered.[11]. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. [8], The Hong Kong government has specified sizes, colours, and manufacturing parameters in which the flag is to be made. Unicode CLDR - Les annotations d'Emoji : Nom court : drapeau : R.A.S. It was widely identified as the Black Bauhinia. Service client à votre écoute 02 38 83 77 72 du lundi au vendredi 9h-12h / 13h-17h30. The petals are uniformly spread around the centre point of the flag, radiating outward and pointing in a clockwise direction. [23], On 3 July 1869, a new design for the Hong Kong flag was commissioned at a cost of £3, which featured a "gentleman in an evening coat who is purchasing tea on the beach at Kowloon". Prior to Hong Kong's transfer of sovereignty, the flag of Hong Kong was a colonial Blue Ensign flag. [14] Similarly, the National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance extends the same prohibition toward the national PRC flag. [4] The flag of Hong Kong was first officially hoisted on 1 July 1997, during the handover ceremony marking the transfer of sovereignty from Britain back to China.[5]. Plus de 1800, avec beaucoup d'autre de la catégorie Drapeaux des pays, Drapeaux et pays Drapeau de Hong-Kong En abordant ce sujet, beaucoup de personnes ne connaissant pas très bien le milieu Extrême-Oriental pensent que Hong-Kong est un pays. L'écusson central sur fond rouge représente une fleur de Bauhinia, symbole de la cité. The letters "HK" were omitted and the crown became full-colour three years later. After a brief discussion in the executive council, it was determined that the new design was very problematic and it was not adopted. Prior to the secession of Hong Kong to the United Kingdom following the Opium War, Hong Kong fell under the jurisdiction of the government of China and flew the flag and ensign of the Chinese government of the time. Le rapport de la longueur sur la largeur est de 1,5.
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