Préparez votre voyage en République dominicaine : incontournables et itinéraires, infos culturelles et pratiques, idées voyage, photos et forum. The circulation of public buses and the operation of OMSA Services, Subway and Cable cars remains suspended until further notice. Activities in bars and clubs remain suspended as well as national and international events and public, cultural, artistic and sports shows. Beaches remain open, while still practicing social distancing. Coronavirus Cases: 146,009 . Envie de poursuivre votre voyage toute l'année ? (, For MITUR, the well-being and safety of visitors remains a priority, so it will continue to work in coordination with the other relevant authorities to further strengthen the country’s preventive measures against coronavirus. However, with the ever-changing nature of the situation, we are unable to speak to the travel environment following July 1, 2020 but will continue to provide proactive updates via our website, as well as our social channels The well-being and safety of our citizens and visitors remain our top priority. Not Now. No, ferry flights will be authorized only to return foreign citizens to their countries of origin, as well as the departure and arrival of planes, cargo ships and fuels to guarantee supplies for the country’s population. Players will enjoy rounds at Casa de Campo\u2019s world-class golf courses Dye Fore […]</p>\\n","image":"","url":"","startDate":"2020-12-04T00:00:00-05:00","endDate":"2020-12-07T23:59:59-05:00","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Casa de Campo","description":"","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","streetAddress":"Casa de Campo","addressLocality":"La Romana","addressCountry":"Dominican Republic"},"telephone":"","sameAs":""}}], Latest Updates | Protocols | Newsroom | DR Travel Center, National Protocol for Health Risk Management against COVID19 The Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism has collaborated with travelers in destination to assure their safe return to their countries of origin, assessing case by case particularities imposed by local legislation. Début février, la … Un tutoriel vidéo avec les instructions pour remplir le formulaire est disponible, ainsi qu'une liste de questions fréquemment posées, sur le site ABOUT RÉPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE TOURISME - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TOURISM. Les incidents se produisent plus particulièrement : 1. dans des centres de villégiat… Many Government of Canada offices are encouraging clients to limit in-person visits. before and after use, All boats will be sanitized before and after each use, Maintaining established safety distance throughout the activity, These guidelines apply to horseback riding, sightseeing, zip lines, theme parks and paintball, Reduction of vehicle occupancy to 50% to guarantee safe distances between clients, Preparation of one-way routes to avoid crossing paths with other groups, Sanitization of all surfaces and equipment that customers come into contact with (reins, harnesses, helmets, vests, ). Interactive tracker offers users map and graphical displays for COVID-19 disease global spread, including total confirmed, active, recovered cases, and deaths. Likewise, national and international events and public, cultural, artistic and sports shows are suspended for the same period. … We encourage you to contact your airline, travel agent or insurance company to discuss your travel plans and options for canceling or postponing current bookings. La République Dominicaine possède la combinaison magique pour capturer votre imagination et rafraichir votre âme. This begins with upon arrival, all passengers will have their temperature checked as they disembark the plane. For MITUR, the well-being and safety of visitors remains a priority, so it will continue to work in coordination with the other relevant authorities to further strengthen the country’s preventive measures against coronavirus. Les autorités chinoises et l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) ont confirmé avoir identifié un nouveau coronavirus (Covid-19). Cookie Policy (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Dominican Republic Ministry of Public Health. On November 1, the country opened the ports, marinas and anchorage facilities to receive yachts, ferries, and cruise ships. Are there any travel restrictions for tourists considering travel to Dominican Republic? 4.8 out of 5 stars. or. Plus d'infos sur le net : Welcome to the Dominican Republic Official Tourism Website. ABOUT RÉPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE TOURISME - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TOURISM. En 2008, j'ai décidé de créer ce blog, afin de faire découvrir mon quotidien de jeune expatriée, loin des zones touristiques. CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Embassy Closure to General Public Annonce – Announcement – Anons More details EMBASSY OF HAITI Welcome to the AMBASSADOR BOCCHIT EDMOND. Are there any travel restrictions for locals considering travel outside of Dominican Republic? Tourist Information Center in Montreal, Quebec. La République Dominicaine allège son couvre-feu qui était en place depuis le mois de mars, afin de ralentir la progression de l’épidémie du Covid-19. Si vous entrez en République dominicaine par voie terrestre ou maritime, vous pouvez obtenir la carte à votre lieu d'entrée pour la somme de 10 $ US. En... La République dominicaine ne se limite pas à ses hôtels clubs tout inclus bradés sur... Vous consentez à transmettre vos données à. ROUTARD.COM n'est pas une agence de réservation ni un voyagiste. The use of public pools, lakes and rivers has been temporarily banned at a nation-wide level. Passengers under the age of five and crew members are exempt... Do I need to submit any forms before entering or leaving the country? From the first week of February, Dominican Republic, with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), has had in action a prevention and contingency plan to deal with the potential risk of virus entering the On March 1, this plan went into its second phase and the government announced new preventive measures. Avoid contact with people with signs of a respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing. During this timeline, authorities will allow the transit of international visitors and vehicle operators who transport them, as well as properly identified employees of maritime and air transport companies, if they are moving to / from a port or airport. Les Canadiens qui se rendent en République dominicaine en tant que touristes doivent avoir une carte de touriste. Recevez gratuitement dans votre boîte mail nos inspirations voyages et idées de week-end, les meilleurs reportages et sélections de bons plans. Some restrictions such as restaurant hours do not apply to hotels. Les aéroports dominicains offriront l'accès gratuit à Internet afin que les passagers puissent le remplir à leur arrivée dans le pays s'ils ne l'ont pas fait avant de monter dans l'avion. Le tourisme impacté par le Covid Titre Publié le 01/12/2020 à 05:25 | Mis à jour le 01/12/2020 à 05:25 Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds. Dominican Republic Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and timeline. Activities in bars and clubs remain suspended until May 17, while restaurants will only be allowed to operate for take-out and delivery orders. Download File 1 MB Dominican Republic – July 1, 2020 – The Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) announced the safety protocols to be followed by all tourism operators and establishments to help ensure the health of tourists and locals alike. THE CHANCERY - BOOK A TOUR. Je vis dans une petite ville où je suis employée de bureau, mais je vous l'avoue volontiers, j'adore jouer à la touriste le temps d'une journée, un week-end ou plus si le temps me le permet. While hotel guests will not be required to follow these guidelines within their resort property, they will be limited to stay within the property during the associated hours. 4.7. Restaurants, liquor stores, community stores and any other commercial establishment must operate depending on the curfew times established to their community. What should I do if I suspect I have COVID-19? Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze, and then wash your hands. Derniers évènements. Le Ministère du tourisme de la République dominicaine a collaboré avec les voyageurs à destination pour assurer leur retour en toute sécurité dans leur pays d’origine, en évaluant au cas par cas les particularités imposées par la législation locale. Dominican Republic Ministry of Public Health: United States Center for Disease Control: In an effort to ensure safe and efficient air travel to the country, additional protocols will be implemented at airports. They have implemented measures such as: Ensuring that employees, contractors, and customers have access to the necessary hygiene services to prevent a spread of the virus; Alcohol-based gel dispensers have been made available in easily accessible places for workers and tourists, while notices have been put up with information on handwashing; Areas have been designated for isolating people who are sick until the public health authorities arrive, among other measures. Coronavirus - In the DR. Lions , … 15th Annual Casa de Campo Twosome … In addition, airport terminals have established guidelines requiring social distancing as well as the mandatory use of face masks for employees and passengers. Celle-ci est incluse dans tous les billets d'avion émis à l'extérieur du pays. Likewise, national and international events and public, cultural, artistic and sports shows are suspended for the same period. Les autorités chinoises et l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) ont confirmé avoir identifié un nouveau coronavirus (Covid-19). Entre le 29 novembre 2020 et le 1er janvier 2021, les autorités dominicaines accepteront les deux modes de déclaration pour entrer dans le pays : l'actuel par le biais des formulaires papier, et le nouveau par le biais du formulaire numérique. Stay in your home or hotel room and call the doctor before going for a medical visit. Always Open. Ma République. Considering the global development of COVID-19, on Tuesday, March 17, the government of Dominican Republic established new measures for Phase 3 of the prevention and contingency plan, which were extended until May 17. Puis, comme d'habitude, prise de mes empreintes digitales, et tampon sur mon passeport. Avoid contact with other people and animals. Suite à la réouverture du pays le 1er juillet et dans le … If you suspect that you have symptoms of COVID-19, the United States Center for Disease Control advises you to take the following steps: What are the symptoms of the coronavirus? Dominican Republic is the second largest and most diverse Caribbean country, situated just two hours south of Miami, less than four hours from New York and eight hours from most European cities. I’m currently in-country at a resort, what measures are being taken to ensure our safety? Domestic traveling for individuals is also prohibited during this period until Monday April 13. All commercial establishments operating on closed environments must assure a separation of 1.5 meters between clients and the mandatory use of face masks, as well as the compliance of new sanitary measures announce by Public Health officials. Tourist Information Center in Montreal, Quebec . Frequently clean your hands (wash them with soap and water or alcohol solutions), especially after direct contact with sick people or their environment. The measures include: Reactivation of commercial flights to and from the country’s airports. As part of immigration and customs forms provided by the airline or by Dominican authorities, passengers will be required to fill out and submit a Traveler’s Health Affidavit. … Le formulaire est disponible via le lien suivant : et doit être complété avant le passage de l'immigration. À partir du 29 novembre, la République dominicaine mettra en place un nouveau formulaire d'entrée et de sortie numérique qui devra être rempli par les voyageurs. Symptoms can be aggravated in vulnerable individuals such as the elderly or people with compromised immune systems, among others. Through this form, passengers declare they have not felt any COVID-19 related symptoms in the last 72 hours and provide contact details for the next 30 days. Canadians in need of assistance should contact: the Embassy of Canada to the … We understand these unprecedented times have caused many challenges, but the well-being and safety of our citizens and visitors remain our top priority. 281 check-ins. Log In. À partir de janvier 2021, le formulaire numérique deviendra exclusif et obligatoire. Where can I get information about the coronavirus? Any DR1er Infected With Coronavirus/Covid-19? Activities in bars and clubs remain suspended until April 30, while restaurants will only be allowed to operate for take-out and delivery orders. Ferry flights will be authorized only to return foreign citizens to their countries of origin, as well as the departure and arrival of planes, cargo ships and fuels to guarantee supplies for the country’s population. République dominicaine Tourisme - Dominican Republic Tourism. In addition, all airports of the Dominican Republic have been equipped with temperature screening equipment that allows travelers with fever to be identified. In addition, in the case of hotels, a certification program has been established through the creation of a Quality Council headed by the National Association of Hotels and Tourism (ASONAHORES) that will guarantee that establishments comply with the regulations, which will provide visitors with a sense of security and trust. MISE À JOUR EN DATE DU 19 MARS 2020 (6:00 A.M.) : Le 11 mars 2020, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) qualifie la COVID-19 de pandémie. monde. Starting on May 20, the Dominican Republic will enter Phase 1 of the de-escalation process, with measures including: Until June 2, the country’s borders will remain closed by land, sea and air, so all flights to and from Dominican Republic from said date and time will be suspended along with the arrival and departure of all cruises in all ports in the country. Lors de mon arrivée en République Dominicaine hier soir, le policier contrôlant mon passeport m'a seulement posé une quenstion : "Avez vus visité un autre pays depuis un mois ?". Consular services remain available to Canadians. Nov 29 2020. La République dominicaine met en place un formulaire électronique pour les voyageurs. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Due to ongoing concerns related to the spread of COVID-19, preventative measures have been enacted throughout our global network of offices. Create New Account. Entry Requirements: Aligning with the launch of the Responsible Tourism Recovery Plan on September 15 th, travelers no longer need to provide a negative PCR or COVID-19 test upon arrival.Instead, airports and other ports of entry will administer a quick, aleatory breath test to between 3% and 10% of passengers, and all those who present symptoms, upon … The national curfew will continue until April 30 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 am, except for medical, sanitary and security personnel, accredited journalists and people and vehicles linked to the industry and trade of food, energy, water, telecommunications, ports, airports and others. République dominicaine : tourisme République dominicaine : hôtels République dominicaine : chambres d'hôtes République dominicaine : locations de vacances Principale destination touristique des Caraibes, la République Dominicaine est durement touchée par l'épidémie de Covid-19 qui a déjà fait 897 morts.Avec notre correspondant à Saint-Domingue, Jean-Michel CaroitDix-sept personnes sont mortes, victimes du coronavirus, et 1 418 nouveaux cas ont été enregistrés au cours des dernières 24 heures. Likewise, national and international events and public, cultural, artistic and sports shows are suspended for the same period. All passengers coming from abroad will be quarantined for two weeks. Forgot account? Les touristes sont souvent la cible de vols. Not Now. Principale destination touristique des Caraibes, la République Dominicaine est durement touchée par l'épidémie de Covid-19 qui a déjà fait 897 morts. If a passenger registers a temperature above 100.6 °F degrees, Taking the temperature of each guest at check-in and having them sign a declaration of health, Providing guests with masks and disinfectant gel, Redistribution of hotel spaces to maintain distance in all common areas (reception, restaurants, swimming pools, ), Elimination of self-serve food and beverage, so that utensils are handled only by establishment personnel, Special protocols for the care and isolation of guests with symptoms, Cleaning and disinfecting all tables between one client and another, Biweekly COVID-19 tests for all work personnel, Capacity is limited to 35% to guarantee ample distance between customers, Customers must wear a mask to enter any premise, but they can elect to remove it once seated at their table, Antibacterial gel dispensers will be placed in all bars, in places easily accessible to customers, Distance of at least two meters between tables and a limit of ten diners per table, Implementation of digital menus, disposable printed menus or other options that reduce physical contact, Use of food disinfectants for produce consumed raw, Frequent disinfection of all surfaces that employees or customers touch frequently, Taking the temperature of every passenger prior to boarding any excursion transportation, Thoroughly sanitizing all equipment used by customers (tanks, masks, paddles, etc.) As of the date of this release, the official date of reopening of the country’s borders has not been confirmed.