Antonyms: impatient, restive, in the sense of forgiving. Facebook Patient - synonyms. Synonyms for patient at the online kid thesaurus. Intérêt de la randonnée Le plateau sommital du Semnoz offre un terrain de promenade et de jeux dont profitent toute l’année les habitants du bord du Lac. Synonyms for patient - totally 156 synonyms. Top Synonyme für patient (andere Wörter für patient) sind tolerant, forbearing und resigned. Related terms for 'patient': ambulatory, amnesiac, anorexic, asthmatic, bed-blocker, case, coeliac, consumptive, the critical list, depressive What are another words for Patient? See more. serene cool imperturbable controlled. willing to forgive. Understand patient instructions meaning … Adjective of patient. patients. Top synonyms for mental patient (other words for mental patient) are mentally ill, mental case and mentally ill person. Full list of synonyms for Patient is here. Explore 'patient' in the dictionary Zusätzliche Synonyme. Top Synonyme für more patient (andere Wörter für more patient) sind little more patience, most patient und as patient. Descubra o que conecta esses dois sinônimos. Understand patient meaning and enrich your vocabulary ‘a patient and painstaking approach’ ‘The people of Gloucester must have been affected by the patient suffering of their pastor.’ ‘The Foss Basin is always a safe bet at this time of year and pike anglers have been reaping the rewards of a patient approach.’ Found 89 synonyms in 12 groups 1 Meaning: uncomplaining. Find more ways to say be patient, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A patient lift (sometimes hoist) is a mechanical device that is used in health care to transfer physically disabled patients.There are three basic types of patient lifts: mobile lifts (floor lifts), overhead lifts and sit-to-stand lifts. Synonymes patient dans le dictionnaire de synonymes Reverso, définition, voir aussi 'être patient',patienter',patient en phase terminale',patent', expressions, conjugaison, exemples Definition and synonyms of patient from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Il signifie aussi Qui supporte, qui tolère avec bonté, avec douceur les défauts, les importunités d'autrui. Alternative for patient. patient synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'patent',patience',paternity',pattern', definition. All Conditions and Treatments; Colorectal Cancer; Crohn’s And Ulcerative Colitis; Fatty Liver; Heartburn & Acid Reflux; IBS Treatment; Liver Disease and Treatment; Solutions for Hemorrhoids; Our Services Overview; Provider Blog; Contact Us Patient definition, a person who is under medical care or treatment. tranquil calm patient self-possessed. Synonyms: patient, patient role, affected role. Patient synonyms. EN Synonyms for patient. patient - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. resigned tolerant easygoing forgiving clement forbearing lenient patient indulgent lax long-suffering. Encore de de synonymes pour le mot patient: . Definition. Antonym: doctor, impatient, Noun of patient. Contract law frustration essay, what skills does a dissertation give you, narrative essay about my best teacher, case study of cyberbullying life is a challenge meet it essay Synonyms for Patient in German including definitions, and related words. Il faut être bien patient pour souffrir tout cela sans rien dire. Synonyme von patient. Synonymes patient; Synonymes patient; Synonymes patient synonymes… More 700 Patient synonyms. Mental Patient synonyms. Synonyms: patient role, affected role. Antonyms for patience. patient instructions synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'patent',patience',paternity',pattern', definition. Find all the synonyms of the word patient presented in a simple and clear manner. Total 156 synonym synonyms found for patient. The basic design for the floor lift (or common Hoyer lift) was patented in 1955 by R.R. Definition of PATIENT (noun): someone receiving medical treatment. Synonyms for 'Patient'. Synonyme de patient. patient. Synonyms for patience in Free Thesaurus. more patient Synonyme. Best synonyms for 'patient' are 'tolerant', 'forbearing' and 'patience'. 2 Meaning: composed. Bi essay speech essay on self grooming rise and fall of the roman empire essay, synonyms of essays, elements of expository essays. New Patient Packets; Prep Instructions; Directions; Patient Services; Conditions & Treatment. PATIENT, ENTE. Synonyms for Patients in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms: restive, unforbearing, impatient. The patient may continue to pester the subject and may develop delusions of persecution following the delusions of passion. Synonyme. Qui souffre avec modération et sans murmurer les adversités, les injures, les mauvais traitements, etc. Using an online kid thesaurus is a great way for students to find synonyms easily. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies notamment pour réaliser des statistiques de visites, C'est plutôt bien indiqué sur le plateau. Another word for patient: sick person, case, sufferer, invalid | Collins English Thesaurus adj. case inmate subject sufferer victim convalescent emergency invalid outpatient shut-in sick person. 12 synonyms of patient from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 100 related words, definitions, and antonyms. This is the British English definition of patient.View American English definition of patient.. Change your default dictionary to American English. More than 70,800 synonyms available on Entenda a diferença entre Tenacious e Patient. Synonyms for patient in French including definitions, and related words. Another word for be patient. Synonymes et antonymes du mot patient. De Clérambault's Syndrome is more commonly known as Erotomania. Top patient synonyms (nouns) are case, subject and invalid. All Free. Find another word for patient. Tolerant, forbearing, long-suffering. patient Synonyme. People are not in a very forgiving mood. Palavras Tenacious e Patient têm significado sinônimo (semelhante). Antonyms for Patients. C'est l'homme du monde le plus patient. affected role, patient role, patient (adj) the semantic role of an entity that is not the agent but is directly involved in or affected by the happening denoted by the verb in the clause.
2020 synonyme de patient